Jai Brooks: 5 Things To Know About Ariana Grande’s On-Again Boyfriend
You probably know Jai Brooks best as Ariana Grande’s boyfriend or maybe you know him as her former ex boyfriend who went off on her on Twitter about cheating rumors.
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
Drake’s Guys Night Out Away From Rihanna Revealed
When Drake was a no-show at the iHeartRadio Music Awards on May 1, we couldn’t help but wonder if his absence had something to do with Rihanna.
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
Matt Smith: ‘Doctor Who’ Star Joining ‘Terminator’ Reboot
Matt Smith just landed a role in the upcoming final ‘Terminator’ trilogy scheduled to be released in 2015.
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
本誌「泊まらないホテル術」連動企画! 今一番訪れたいホテルスポット6。
ホテルはデイリーに活用してこそ、その真価が分かる! 発売中のVOGUE6月号、「大人のためのホテル術」では、国内外のモードなのテルやエキスパートたちの通なホテル活用法をご紹介。WEBの連動企画では、誌面では紹介できなかったモードマスターたちの、おすすめホテルヴェニューをお届けします。
from VOGUE RSSフィード
from VOGUE RSSフィード
Katy Perry Pushing Selena Gomez To Make New Music After Bieber Split
Selena Gomez is heartbroken over her latest split from Justin Bieber, so her new BFF Katy Perry is encouraging the ‘Come & Get It’ singer to throw herself into her music to cope, a source tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY.
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
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