Country music is fresh on our minds following the April 19 Academy Of Country Music Awards — and we’re still absolutely swooning over all the cowboys at the show!
from Hollywood Life
Christina Aguilera’s Cool, Modern Updo At ACM Awards
Christina Aguilera not only showed off her new sound at the ACM Awards on April 19, but she also showed off a new beauty look!
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
Chris Brown & Rihanna Duet ‘Put It Up’ Leaked — Listen
They may have had a rough past, but there’s no denying that Chris Brown and Rihanna are pros at making sweet, sweet music together.
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
Kylie Jenner Challenge: Teens Flood Twitter With Selfies Mocking Her Pouty Lips
So apparently you can get Kylie’s infamous plump lips without half a stick of lip liner — but it may cause some bruising.
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
Drake Congratulates ‘Love Of My Life’ Nicki Minaj At Coachella — Watch
Drake brought out Nicki for a surprise cameo during his final Coachella set on April to congratulate her on something special going on her life.
from Hollywood Life
from Hollywood Life
スイーツから雑貨まで。絶対再訪したくなる西荻ショップガイド。(Yaka Matsumoto)
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永久保存版。サカイ初の書籍『sacai A to Z』が発売!
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日中の乾燥ダメージはマックス! 3秒で見事に吹き飛ばす技、教えます。
1日24時間キレイな肌でいたいなら、頻発する乾燥という大敵に向かい合わなければ。メイク上からでも本格スキン ケアできる夢のスプレータイプの美容化粧水が、SK-Ⅱから満を持して登場!
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ブルックリンでヴィンテージストア巡り。(Tomomi Hata)
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